Saturday, August 16, 2008

Up and Running.. Life is Good!

I guess I've been long over-do to start a blog. I keep forgetting that the age of information is coming and going and leaving me in its wake of dust, wondering "What the hell is a Blackberry if not a fruit?"
Ah well, I will certainly still keep pens in the house though! I wonder how long before they are obsolete, and fonts are taught in elementary school instead of cursive!

I will be posting quite a bit in the next week or so, to get our blog all caught up with the things going on in my and Denver's lives. We're always full of some quirked-out idea or another, so who knows where we will go next with our creative spark?

Etsy store is up - but not very many items yet. Hopefully that will be brought up-to-speed in the next couple weeks too!

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